Järsö 2 km – kalliorantoja, merimaisemia ja lehdesniittyjä
Järsö 2 km – kalliorantoja, merimaisemia ja lehdesniittyjä
Järsö 2 km – kalliorantoja, merimaisemia ja lehdesniittyjä
See & Do Activities Hiking

Järsö 2 km – smooth rocks, sea views and wooded meadows

The white trail starts and ends at the same place and goes around a rocky tip. The terrain is partly barren with low vegetation such as smaller pines, and some areas have more verdant trees. At the far end of the tip you get a scenic view of the sea and the ferry route between Sweden, Åland and Finland. You can leave the signposted trail to get down to the smooth rocks by the seaside. The trail also goes along a smaller bay with rich bird life.

The red and blue trails have separate routes each starting from the white trail. You can also choose to follow only one of them. These trails lead through a wooded meadow where the rich flora is maintained in a traditional way. There is densely growing hazel, and many deciduous trees have been pruned and their canopies have been cut, which gives the trees their characteristic look. There is a small pond along the red trail.

Enjoy nature! Take nothing but photos, leave nothing but footsteps.

Length: 2 km
Location: Järsö
Terrain: Moderate with forest trails and rocks. NB! Rocks can be slippery when wet.
Signposts: Poles with white-painted cross marks. There are also two shorter trails in the area with red, respectably blue-painted cross marks on the poles.

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